The 6 benefits of using modular stairs in your industrial setting

Modular stairs have become increasingly popular in industrial settings due to their versatility and ease of installation. They are pre-manufactured and pre-engineered, meaning that they can be quickly and easily installed in various configurations to suit the facility’s specific needs.

In this post, we will explore the six benefits of using modular stairs in your industrial setting:

1) Time and cost savings
One of the primary benefits of modular stairs is the time and cost savings they offer. Unlike traditional stairs, which can take weeks to fabricate and install, modular stairs are pre-manufactured and can be quickly assembled on-site. This reduces the overall installation time and the cost of labour required to install the stairs.

Modular stairs are also a more cost-effective solution compared to traditional stairs. Since they are pre-engineered, they require fewer resources and materials to manufacture, reducing the overall cost of the stairs.

Additionally, modular stairs are designed for quick installation and can be easily disassembled and reconfigured to suit changing needs. This means they are a more flexible and adaptable solution, saving you money in the long run.

2) Customizability
Modular stairs are highly customizable, allowing you to choose from various configurations and options to suit your needs. This means that you can tailor the design of the stairs to fit your facility and create a safe and efficient environment for your employees.

Modular stairs can be customized in a variety of ways, including tread and riser design, handrail configuration, and landing size. Also, they can be designed to fit any space or height requirements, making them an ideal solution for facilities with unique or complex layouts.

3) Versatility
Another benefit of modular stairs is that they are versatile and can be used in various industrial settings. They are commonly used in petrochemical, manufacturing, and commercial facilities but can be used in any environment where quick installation and customization are required.

They are made easy to assemble and disassemble, making them an ideal solution for temporary installations or areas requiring frequent reconfiguration. Moreover, modular stairs can be easily relocated or reconfigured to accommodate changes in facility layout or equipment placement.

4) Safety
Safety is always a top priority in industrial settings, and modular stairs are designed with safety in mind. They are constructed from high-quality materials and are engineered to meet or exceed safety regulations and standards.

They can be customized with a variety of safety features, including slip-resistant treads, safety gates, and handrails. Additionally, these stairs can be designed with safety in mind, with landing platforms and guardrails included to provide employees with a safe and secure work environment.

5) Durability
Modular stairs are built to last, constructed from high-quality materials that are produced to withstand the harsh conditions of industrial settings. They are typically made from materials such as steel or aluminum, which are corrosion-resistant and can withstand exposure to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures.

Also, modular stairs are designed to be low maintenance, requiring minimal upkeep and repairs. This means that they are a durable and long-lasting solution that can provide years of reliable service.

6) Compliance
These stairs are designed to meet or exceed safety regulations and standards, ensuring that your facility remains compliant with relevant laws. This can help you avoid costly fines and legal issues while providing peace of mind that your employees work in a safe and respectful environment.

Modular stairs are typically designed to meet OSHA and IBC safety standards, ensuring they are safe and compliant for use in industrial settings.

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